Creating canonical URLs for specific pages with Gatsby
Gatsby has a simple plugin named gatsby-plugin-canonical-urls
which sets the base URL used for canonical URLs for your website. Canonical URLs are important, as they tell search engines what the “original” URL was for a specific page or blog post. This helps prevent your website from being penalized for duplicate content.
The problem with this module is that it doesn’t give you the ability to override a canonical URL for a specific page on your Gatsby site. The situation applies when you’d like to take the original blog post made on an external website, and cross-post it into your personal website. Luckily, there’s a really simple solution to this problem.
First, remove the gatsby-plugin-canonical-urls
Gatsby plugin (if you previously installed it) by running:
yarn remove gatsby-plugin-canonical-urls
…and replace it with the gatsby-plugin-react-helmet-canonical-urls
plugin. You’ll also want to install the Helmet plugin if you haven’t already to provide this ability:
yarn add gatsby-plugin-react-helmet gatsby-plugin-react-helmet-canonical-urls
Next, add the plugin configuration to your gatsby-config.js
file and change the siteUrl
value to the base canonical URL you want to use for your site.
plugins: [
resolve: `gatsby-plugin-react-helmet-canonical-urls`,
options: {
siteUrl: ``,
At this point, this new plugin will act exactly the same way as the gatsby-plugin-canonical-urls
plugin. However, it will give you the ability to extend it even further.
By default, this plugin will add a new canonical tag to your HTML’s head with the following contents:
<link rel="canonical" key="" href="" data-react-helmet="true" />
Let’s make it so that we can use a different canonical URL for a specific blog post.
Open up your seo component located at src/components/seo.js
. This is the component that injects SEO tags into your site with React Helmet.
Add the prop:
function SEO({
+ canonical,
Then, add the link
attribute to the Helmet
component within this file. We’ll only inject this attribute value if the canonical
prop has been passed in, and then we’ll set the rel
, key
, and href
htmlAttributes={{ lang }}
titleTemplate={overrideTitle ? `%s` : `%s | ${siteTitle}`}
+ link={
+ canonical
+ ? [{ rel: 'canonical', key: canonical, href: canonical }]
+ : []
+ }
name: `description`,
Finally, we’ll add that prop as a prop type:
SEO.propTypes = {
+ canonical: PropTypes.string,
description: PropTypes.string,
lang: PropTypes.string,
meta: PropTypes.array,
Next, we’ll open up the blog template at src/templates/blogs.js
, and pass the canonical
prop to the SEO
+ canonical={post.frontmatter.canonical}
Note that we are passing the value from our blog post frontmatter. We’ll use the name canonical
to keep things consistent.
Then, we need to make sure to add that canoncial
value coming from our frontmatter into our GraphQL query:
export const pageQuery = graphql`
query BlogBySlug($slug: String!) {
site {
siteMetadata {
markdownRemark(fields: { slug: { eq: $slug } }) {
excerpt(pruneLength: 160)
frontmatter {
date(formatString: "MMMM DD, YYYY")
+ canonical
Finally, we have one last step. Add the value of canonical
to your blog post frontmatter:
layout: "../../../../../layouts/BlogPost.astro"
import { Image } from '@astrojs/image/components';
title: "Post goes here"
date: "2019-04-27T12:00:00.000Z"
+canonical: ""
layout: "../../../../../layouts/BlogPost.astro"
import { Image } from '@astrojs/image/components';
Note that anytime you add a field to frontmatter, you need to restart the gatsby server in order for updates to take affect. Now, when you visit
(or whatever URL the above post resolves to), the following canonical URL will now be your new value, derived from frontmatter:
<link rel="canonical" key="" href="" data-react-helmet="true" />
Hopefully this sheds some light on how easy it is to do some things in Gatsby. Happy cross-posting!